четвер, 14 квітня 2011 р.


A couple days ago, I had a breakthrough in the case of my "mystery smell"!!
I had smelt it the other day during opening while I was teaching for Mindy! Surprised as ever, I started to follow my nose. I smelled one kid--Alex. Nope. He smelled like sweaty boy, like little boys usually smell. I smelled Zhenia. Nope, wasn't her. And then I smelt Dima....AND THAT WAS IT! Dima was wearing my hot man smell! I got really excited.
This was a serious breakthrough.
When I taught Dima's class I made a special effort to have him sit by me. Boy, did he smell good!
After classes, I asked one of our coordinators to ask the parents what he was wearing. She did...
Unfortunately, the father was picking him up and he didn't know what it was, but said that he would ask his wife.
I am very excited to find out what the smell is.

Dima (The Quiet Hero) is in the middle.

Update to come---cross your fingers that the mom will tell us what it is!


четвер, 7 квітня 2011 р.

Self Portrait

This week we had open class.  I get nervous just teaching by myself, add parents watching and I'm a mess! Side effects of this dreadful week are usually, but not limited to, anxiety, panic, stress, no appetite, no sleep etc.  After having 2 days of this I got home tonight and I was pretty tired and hoping to get to bed early to catch up on my sleep... my plans did not work out. I was hoping i would be able to sneak into my room and my bed.  My room is right across from the kitchen so this is highly unlikely.  So as I was sneaking toward my bedroom of course my host mom stopped me and asked her favorite question, "Mindy, are you hungry?" I always feel really bad when I say no, and tonight we had company over so of course I said yes thinking I would hurry and eat then slip out to my room.  Well I started eating and was about to slip away when my host mom asked me to play Titanic for them.  I love to play the piano but I get really nervous when I have to play in front of people.  I was able to make it almost all the way through the song then my mind went blank... this always seems to happen in the same spot in this song and its super frustrating.  I of course went bright red and said sorry I couldn't remember it, they just laughed and smiled and said "mindy its ok!" By this time I realized I actually was not too tired so I decided to hang out for a little. Little did I know that while I was sipping my tea Misha, Jennii's host brother, was drawing a portrait of me.  He comes over to me with his big drawing pad points to the picture he has drawn then points to me, meaning "this is a drawing of you."  I try and be nice and tell him it looks just like me because I don't want to criticize him for trying.  He then continues to show the rest of the guests his drawing and they all BURST out laughing! Here is the portrait of me, see the resemblance =) 

And here is the artist holding up his masterpiece of me =)
All in all it was a pretty good night! 
<3 Mindy

неділя, 3 квітня 2011 р.

Spring is in the air!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My host sister just licked my face!!!!!!!!

*One or both of these photos may have been staged but it doesn't change the fact that she full on licked me before the pictures were taken as proof.

peace and blessings.

пʼятниця, 18 березня 2011 р.

Dear Mannequins,

I'm not much of a shopper--throw me into a situation where communication is limited, and shopping is even harder for me.

I bought a couple things this week, only because I was passing by and I loved what I saw on the mannequins. Pointing, and apologizing for my lack of Russian, and using my phone for them to show me the price, I got a new pea coat and some leather leggings. Both times the women stripped them off the mannequins and sold them to me. 

Dear Mannequins,

I'm sorry. I liked what you were wearing, that's all. I didn't want you to be embarrassed by being publicly stripped down. Know that it was not my choice. I would have been fine with the women giving me something that was tucked away somewhere, instead of your display clothes. Please forgive me. I hope you are not insulted or ashamed. I know that something will replace what I bought, and you will be covered once more. Thank you for your willingness to stand there and listen to me apologize.


вівторок, 15 березня 2011 р.

Someone confident is someone beautiful.

My title is just a title. Don't read too much into it, read it and apply it. (or to not insult those of you who are already confident just smile and pat yourselves on the back)

As for my most awesomest post I want to share with everyone a picture I took and now will forever treasure.
I also dedicate this to Kenzie because she introduced me to Kinder Surprises.

Now don't turn up your noses to these kinds of treats. While trying to find these little gold mine's look for an egg shape in a wrapper like the one in the picture! It's a chocolate egg and whaaaaaaaa laaaaaaaaa you crack the egg and find.... a toy!!!!!!!! I confess I only bought two of the kinder toys shown in this picture but as you can see they are well worth it! I got the smurfs from Kenzie (maybe I'll add pictures of all the kinders Kenzie has) (it will shock your socks off) but the dinosaur is Yevgeni, my little buddy cause he was my first. That eagle thing will be donated to our store items. :)
My point is, we don't have these back home... for me, I've heard some say they have them where they live but not me so just adding to my list of reasons why this place is great.

peace and blessings
-Natalie N.

понеділок, 14 березня 2011 р.

a real car?!

Today I realized what has been missing in my life.
Honestly though for two months I have been in nothing but buses and metros. I drove in a car today and I had an overwhelming feeling of joy.
The convenience of a car.
The comfortable-ness (add that to your dictionary) of a car.
The air condition, the radio, the seatbelts.
It just felt right.
I just want my car and an open road.
And, a subway sandwich and Bon Jovi CD.
