вівторок, 15 лютого 2011 р.


Some days are hard and some are easy. Some days you wonder why you are in a foreign country teaching and some days you feel like that is exactly where you are supposed to be. A few days ago I had one of the “Why am I here?!” teaching days and the whole day just seemed to be going bad.

My very last class that day is Pre-Language and they are the 3 year olds who speak no English, definitely a handful! I was trying to get everyone to settle down and read a story when the only boy in the class, Alex came and curled up on my lap. He is the cutest thing ever and sat there with me reading and had the need to just cuddle. Eventually the other girls in the class came and sat on my lap doing the same thing.

That’s that type of thing that makes teaching worth it and all the bad of that day seems to melt away.


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